April showers are bringing a lot of activity to The Ranch Pet Resort and Spa. With the weather we are having, we don’t know whether to put sunscreen on or our doggie raincoats and boots!
You may have heard that dogs can actually get sunburned, especially ones with light skin or white fur, so it’s important to keep us safe from damaging our skin.
How to Safely Apply Sunscreen to Your Dog
For all of you sunscreen wearing dogs, remember to have your hoomans apply sunscreen to the most important parts of our bodies: nose, around our lips, tips of the ears, bellies, and groins.
As tempting as it may be, avoid licking the sunscreen off! Have your mom or dad test a small area of your body to make sure you are not allergic to the sunscreen.
Apply a small amount of sunscreen and allow the lotion to soak in. If you don’t have any reaction, it’s time to put the rest of the lotion on your body and then you are good to go in the sun!
If you do have a reaction, have your mom or dad wash off the sunscreen immediately. If you start acting oddly or developing hives, call your vet right away!
Summer Wear for Dogs Who Care!
If the thought of greasy lotion doesn’t sit well with you divas and divos, consider setting a trend with the latest in doggie summer wear.
Doggies bodysuits, shirts, hats, or eyewear are sometimes necessary to protect our bodies and our eyes from the harmful effects of the sun’s rays. Booties can also be used to protect paws and pads from the hot cement. Dogs can burn their pads and paws, and careful attention should be paid to not walk on asphalt during the hottest parts of the day.
Summer Swimming Safety
Summer is a great time for us dogs to swim or play in water! Some lucky dogs get to go in pools or on boats! If you are one of these lucky dogs, it’s smart to have your person purchase a life vest for you. Have them size you and tighten the vest so it’s not too tight but not too loose that it may fall off.
Some dogs, especially water dogs like labs and retrievers, will swim until they are exhausted. Let’s protect them from drowning by putting on a doggie life vest!
Boating dogs should wear one as well just like their humans do in the event they fall overboard by accident! Or, in the case of a lab we know, JUMP in.
If you are a swimming breed, or a breed who loves to swim, be sure and have your hooman re-apply sunscreen as it washes off.
Summer Reservations at The Ranch Pet Resort and Spa
It’s not too early to sign up for doggie daycare or doggie boarding at The Ranch Pet Resort and Spa. We have so much fun playing in the water park, the ONLY water park in the area. Our staffers offer us love, attention, praise, publicity (check us out on Facebook and Instagram!), and lots of summertime activities.
Contact The Ranch Pet Resort and Spa today for your summer reservation!