It’s National Kitten Day, have you hugged your kitten today? July 10,2023 marks National Kitten Day, a day to love, hug, kiss, spoil, and snuggle with your favorite tiny feline.
From stripes, tuxedos, Siamese, calicos, long-hair, short-hair, and no hair, kittens are adorably sweet and charming to most people.
Whether it’s their innocent antics at getting into trouble, their soft mews, tiny teeth, pink noses and paws, or wobbly struts, a kitten is one of the most charming and lovable pets.

Cats are More Popular than Dogs
According to the American Humane Society, 95.6 million cats were owned compared to 83.3 million households who owned a dog.
While The Ranch Pet Resort and Spa loves both dogs and cats, some people find cats are much easier to own.
Going out of town? A cat can be left with food, water, and a litter box for a day or two with a neighbor or friend checking on them.
They sleep most of the day, rising around dusk to play or hunt in the wild. But give them a few toys to paw, chase, grab, and bat at, and they are undeniably content.
Throw in a cat tree to scratch on and climb, and you have brought the wonders of the wild into the home while you are away temporarily.
Keep the TV set to the nature channel or better yet, open the blinds to watch real nature in action and your cat is content for awhile.
Better yet, board your cat at The Ranch Pet Resort and Spa. Our felines have their own separate cat condos away from the dogs where they get constant attention in fully climate-controlled areas to perch, play, and relax.
Dogs, on the other hand, need exercise, to be let out to do their business, and can be more destructive when bored and left alone. While a few chewies or interactive toys can occupy them for a short while, a dog needs his person and more attention.
So for these reasons, it is understandable why there may be more cats in households than dogs.
Tips for Getting a New Kitten
We are in the middle of kitten season and an unaltered cat can produce over 180 kittens in a lifetime (source). One of the most healthy acts you can do is spay or neuter your kitten. Unaltered cats are more at risk for disease, marking, wandering, and fighting. Kittens can be altered at 2 lbs which is usually between 8-10 weeks of age, depending on the kitten.
Vaccines such as FVRCP and rabies will protect your cat from unwanted diseases. FeLV is another vaccine that is optimal for kittens.
Micorchipping your kitten is also a great idea. While many people have every intention of keeping their cat inside, invariably, a curious cat may sneak out an unattended door. Microchipping your cat can insure that you are contacted if someone finds your cat.
Now that you have your cat’s health in check, it’s time to provide them with the nutrition and stimulation they need in order to keep them safe, healthy, and well-cared for.
What to Provide for Your New Kitten
A new kitten will need to be kept inside for weeks so that it can acclimate to its new home. Confining it to a small bedroom is a great idea to keep the cat secure, safe, and from getting lost inside a home!
Give your new kitten a place to feel secure and provide blankets or bedding. Offer toys of differing interests such as squeaky toys, balls, springs, boxes to hide in, or simple items it can throw up and chase.
You don’t have to spend a fortune on toys! Even the plastic twist off a milk jug makes a fine kitten toy to bat around for hours!
Feathered wands with bells are fun to swat and bat but avoid yard or string in the event the kitten swallows it.
Cat trees are great for cats to naturally scratch on and will take the place of your furniture. Scratching comes naturally to a cat whose nails need to be trimmed as well. It’s best you provide the scratching post or your cat may choose your furniture to scratch!
Food bowls and water in bowls or fountains should be available 24/7 at first. Provide a high quality food, especially wet food. Cats need water through their diet to avoid a urinary tract infection which can be very painful or deadly.
Give Your Cat Love and Attention and Space
Cats develop their own personalities and often pick their favorite person to love. Kittens will feel more secure if given love and attention, but should also be given space to explore, roam, and be alone.
If you do need to leave your cat for short periods of time, leaving a tv or radio on will give it the feeling it is not alone which will help it from feeling abandoned or developing separation anxiety.
Today’s technology also allows you to set up monitors to watch and talk to your cats throughout the day!
Happy National Kitten Day!
From our felines at The Ranch Pet Resort and Spa to yours, Happy National Kitten Day! For information about boarding your kitten, reach out to us!