Happy Halloween from The Ranch Pet Resort and Spa! With all of the excitement of trick-or-treaters, costumes, parties, pumpkin carving, and our own Howl-o-Ween Dog Party, we’d like to offer some Halloween advice for your furry friends.
Keep Chocolate Away from Dogs and Cats
Chocolate is toxic to both dogs and cats so be careful to keep your pets away from candy or desserts. Should your dog or cat show signs of poisoning, such as vomiting, diarrhea, increased thirst or urination, restlessness, rapid breathing, seizures, or collapse, it’s urgent you call your vet or the Pet Poison helpline (855) 764-7661 immediately.
Take Precautions During Trick-or-Treating Time
Whether you’re heading around the neighborhood or staying home to pass out candy, it’s important to take precautions to keep your dogs and cats safe. Opened doors mean easy escapes for curious dogs or cats which can lead to them getting lost, hurt, or scared.
Confine Anxious Dogs and Cats
Consider shutting dogs and cats in bedrooms or crates during the hours you expect trick-or-treaters. Even the friendliest of pets may bolt when scared by a child, costume, or decoration. Doorbells, kids screaming with delight, and the hustle and bustle of Halloween activity may be too much for anxious or reactive dogs.
Thunder shirts, CBD treats or other anti-anxiety medication, or warm snuggles under covers may be just what your pet needs to help you both enjoy a fun and festive night.
Make Your Dog Visible
If you plan on taking your socialized dog around the neighborhood, it’s a good idea to have your pet wear a reflective collar, leash or harness. For more safety measures, consider a lit-up collar or harness to make your pet easily seen and safe from cars, other dogs, excited candy go-getters, and other adults who may not be able to see your dog at night.
Double Check ID Tags and Microchips
Double check your dog’s tag to make sure it is up-to-date, secured safely, and attached to a collar or harness in the event your dog runs off. Even the most best-behaved dogs can get spooked by noises, Halloween decorations, cars, Halloween partygoers, or costumes.
This is also a great time to make sure your dog or cat is chipped, and the contact information is current. More pets end up in shelters during holidays than other times, and ensuring your pet can be returned to you will make you both feel better.
Ensure Comfort Over Cuteness for a Costume
Costume-loving pet parents should make sure the costume does not impede the dog’s sight, breathing, or ability to walk. Double check that the costume is comfortable and not too tight or too loose to trip over. Despite a cool evening, a dog may overheat while exercising and wearing a thick but cute costume.
Keep in mind that most pets do not enjoy dressing up and that they are the perfect cuteness without a costume.
Keep Glow Sticks in the Hands of Kids or Adults
Glow sticks are fun accessories that can help kids and adults be seen, but they should be kept away from pets. The chemical tastes badly and can make your dog or cat ill.
Have a Safe and Fun Halloween!
Most of all, we wish you a safe and fun Halloween full of good times, good friends, and great memories for you and your fur babies!