Nature has a way of alerting parents that their youngin’ is approaching adolescence. Whether the young one is a child or a puppy, there are surprising similarities between their adolescent behaviors.
Puppy adolescence occurs between 6-18 months of age. Teens reach adolescence between 12-14 years of age and continue through their late teens and into their early 20’s (source).
If you consider the behaviors of both pups and teens during adolescence, you may not notice much of a difference!
Adolescent Behaviors in Puppies
Once a puppy outgrows the cute phase of puppy breath, falling asleep in the most compromising positions, and being held, it reaches a stage of life that many dog owners find difficult and frustrating!
Puppies in the adolescent stage of life exhibit qualities that test even the most experienced and patient dog owner.
Adolescent behaviors in puppies include many of the following:
- Chewing, chewing, and more chewing on hands, furniture, shoes, people, other pets
- Possessing energy levels that challenge any pet parent- zoomies are common, so is bouncing on and off furniture and getting the “wild” look in the eyes and face
- Selectively listening to commands-not coming when called; not staying, sitting, or heeling
- Growling when attempting to remove the pup from furniture
- Demonstrating sexual behavior
- Exhibiting physical changes consistent with puberty
- Portraying sexual behaviors
- Reverting back to peeing and pooping indoors
- Displaying destructive and aggressive tendencies
- Guarding resources
- Lacking respect, focus, and concentration
- Lack of respect and response
- Testing and challenging their owners or caretakers
- Showing more lethargy and moodiness
Puppies can display some or all of these behaviors throughout adolescence, causing tension and a war of “who’s in charge” between pup and parent. With time, boundaries, training, and consistency, a puppy who is corrected appropriately will outgrow these tendencies and become a well-behaved adult!
Comparing Teen Behaviors with Puppies
Any parent reading the list of puppy behaviors can easily identify the similarities between puppies and teens. Aside from chewing, teens are also known for causing chaos in a household; tuning out, rebelling against authority, testing boundaries, being destructive or leaving messes, and switching between having enough energy to go out at 11 pm and sleeping in until the afternoon.
Sexual advancement is another commonality shared between teens and puppies with moody dispositions following closely!
Much like puppies, teens need boundaries and a parent with consistent disciplinary measures to guide the rebellious adolescent into adulthood.
With time and patience, this youngin will most likely mature into an adult a parent would like to be around.
Help with Puppy Training
For those of you needing help with puppy training, we have a solution! The Ranch Pet Resort and Spa offers training programs for pups and those acting like pups. Please contact us for more information and pricing. * *Disclaimer-sorry, but at this time, The Ranch Pet Resort and Spa is unable to provide training for adolescent children.