Felines, the mysterious creatures that lure many of us to love them by their distinctive “meows,” head batting, or body rubs against us, are often misunderstood. So what is the secret to understanding cat behavior? Our professionals in charge of our cat boarding programs at The Ranch Pet Resort and Spa shared some insight with us.
Cats Really Do Like Their Owners
In the competitive war of dogs vs cats, cats are often criticized for being finicky and not liking their owners where dogs are stereotyped for liking everyone!
But studies show that cats really do love their owners, just as much as dogs love theirs. Cats tend to gravitate toward the voice of their owners, often seeking them out simply through the sounds their humans make (source).
Cat owners don’t need proof their fur babies like them and resist the notion that they are only used as a source for food. Ask any cat owner to share stories with you about their cat running toward them to greet them, snuggling up with them on a cold winter’s day, or jumping on their computer during a writing session to demand attention.
“Only dog people believe the notion that cats are merely calculating fur balls who manipulate humans for the sake of a fresh plate of pate’,” jokes Sammie, who works with our cats on a daily basis.
“Cats show affection in a more elegant manner,” states Michael Gamache, owner of The Ranch Pet Resort and Spa. “They are descendants of wild cats from Africa which were solitary cats. This is a stark contradiction from dogs who prefer to show their love and affection by bounding in wildly, jumping all over their owners and covering them with kisses.”
Cats Demonstrate their Anger by Purposely Vomiting in High-Traffic Areas
Cat owners commonly discuss the occurrence of cat vomit often left in high-traffic areas. Be it fur balls, blades of grass, or undigested food, cats tend to puke and leave it for their humans to find it.
But why do cats vomit? Dog owners swear the vomit is a means to show their disdain for their humans, the dog they share the home with, their dislike of the new food, or just to irritate anyone in their path.
Truth be told, cats often vomit because they are upset. “Behavioral disorders are influenced by the immune system, and the immune system is influenced by the gut,” says Dr. Carlo Siracusa of the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. So while our cats can show how cantankerous they are, their vomitous misgivings are often due to feeling upset, depressed, misunderstood, abandoned, scared, nervous or any number of feelings.
“Pay particular attention to the frequency of the mess,” adds Michael. “We don’t want to dismiss a medical condition, but we also like to rule out behavioral reasons for our felines leaving a mess of saliva filled grass or food.”
Cats Retain Memories and Dream
Cat owners never doubted the intelligence of their felines. Dr. Siracusa does confer that cats retain memories and dream. This may explain why a cat is hesitant to be in a situation or place that he or she has had a bad experience, such as a carrier or the vet or the groomer. At the same time, they will also be open to reliving positive experiences such as special nap time with their preferred people or friends.
Watching a cat sleep often results in seeing their paws move back and forth in a running motion, viewing their mouths twitch much like they do when “talking” to birds, or suddenly jolting awake.
“Going over the day’s events and storing things in their memory banks,” is the source of dreams cites Karen Hiestand, clinical veterinarian of the University of Sussex. “There’s no reason to think their brains would work so differently to ours in that respect.”
Choose The Ranch Pet Resort and Spa for Your Cat Boarding Needs
The Ranch Pet Resort and Spa is known for our state-of-the-art cat boarding facilities. Our four-level cat accommodations come with all the comforts of home and plenty of space to perch, play, and relax.
Our fresh, bright cat room is separated from our canine guests for an atmosphere of peace and calmness kitties prefer.
Contact us today for all of your cat boarding needs!