Summer is right around the corner, and The Ranch Pet Resort and Spa wants to remind you to protect our furry friends during the hot weather. Whether you’re at home, traveling, or driving, it’s important to remember that our pets can’t cool off like we can.
Tips to Keep Your Dogs and Cats Cool During Hot Weather
Dogs pant to cool off and cats cool off by grooming themselves and releasing heat through their paw pads. We can help our pets cool off with some planning and preparation.
Here are some tips to keep your dogs and cats cool during hot weather:
- Always provide fresh, cool drinking water
- Only exercise your pets during cooler weather
- Never leave your pet in a car even if you think it is not hot outside; the weather inside a car can heat up quickly in a short amount of time
- Close blinds, shades, and curtains to cool down a room
- Provide a cooling towel, mat, or pad for your pet to rest on or near
- Use a fan inside but allow your dog to get relief from its cooling breeze
- Place ice cubes or ice treats in your dog’s water or dish; these also provide fun toys for cats to play with. Since their paws absorb heat, playing with ice treats can keep your cat cool
- Fill a shallow pool with water to play or splash around in
- Use a mister or sprinkler for outside, cooling fun
- Bring dogs and cats inside with air conditioning, fans, or open windows; animals can easily overheat just by lying in the sun

Signs of Heatstroke in a Dog or Cat
In the event that you think your dog or cat is overheated, be aware of these symptoms:
- Panting in cats-cats don’t pant naturally like dogs do. In the event your cat is panting, this may be a sign that your cat has heatstroke.
- Glazed eyes
- Lethargy
- Lack of appetite
- Loss of balance or wobbly walking
- Difficulty breathing
- Rapidly beating heart
- Vomiting
- Seizures
- Gums or tongue being exceptionally red
- Collapsing
If you see any of these signs in your dog or cat, please contact your vet immediately. Take your pet to a cooler location, or place in front of a fan, place a cool towel on your pet, and give your dog or cat cool water but not ice water. Cool the pet slowly, not quickly, as that can be more dangerous.
For a Fun Summer Getaway for Your Dog or Cat, Consider The Ranch Pet Resort and Spa

If you are looking to get away for the summer, consider sending your dog or cat to The Ranch Pet Resort and Spa. Our dog suits and cat condos are temperature-controlled to keep your pet safe, cool, and happy.
Our state-of-the-art water park offers a fun time for dogs to splash in water and stay cool. Even dogs who didn’t like water have a great time running and splashing in the pool. It’s like summer camp for your dog or cat at The Ranch Pet Resort and Spa.
Contact us today for a stay and play for your dog or cat as we are filling up quickly!
Have a safe and fun summer and remember to keep cool!